Well, for those of us who are trying to make 2015 a healthier year with the Whole Life Challenge or not, being grateful is something we need to focus on every week but it is mandatory this week if we are on the WLC! Documenting 3 things every day that we are grateful for this week may just bring us closer to being the person we’d like to be.
I want to focus on a few things that have been brought up for the nutrition piece of the WLC. Some of the items may seem arbitrary on the nutrition lists but it is explained why in a bit more detail here: Splitting Hairs better understood:http://1rogq52a7wkma06cf1om64f1.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/
Secondly, some people have already started losing weight but some have not. If you haven’t , do not fear! Sometimes it takes our bodies a few weeks or even longer to realize what is happening and only when our body is ready will we start to shed some pounds. Regardless of how much weight you lose or don’t lose, getting rid of sugar and processed foods can only help us in the energy and health department, right?
Below are some recipe suggestions I have for the third week (even though we are only in the second week. I’m trying to keep you ahead of the game). I hope you like them:
Superbowl Compliant Easy Asian Wings
Brussel Sprouts with Mustard and hazelnut Sauce
Vegan Cheese Ball (yeah you heard me right. Sounds gross but it’s good!)