Hi everyone. I thought I would take a break from the Celebrity Kid Recipe contest to give a shout out to my own cooking and health inspiration (aside from my mom), Richard Simmons. I have mentioned Richard on my blog before because his intimate discussions with women’s obstacles to losing weight back in the seventies and eighties planted a seed in me. I was chubby and he gave me hope.
I partially attribute my becoming a social worker to the Sims himself. He was such a good listener and really seemed like he cared, sitting cross legged on the floor, asking difficult questions in such a gentle manner.
I think that my finding the above crinkled up photo of Richard , found on the street while I was walking my dog, is a sign. I want to meet Richard Simmons. Can someone help me do that? I want to tell him what an impact he had on me, a chubby elementary school kid.
Do you think Richard will come on my blog to talk to all the kids about the importance of home cooked meals?
Is someone on Linkedin with me or with you who has a connection to Richard Simmons? Who will help me get in touch with Richard Simmons?
I look forward to showing you our next Celebrity Kid Chef in the next post. Stay tuned….
9 Responses
Alma – Not sure how much help but I will sure try for you. I has zero contacts on LinkedIn so another method may be necessary! Will help. Pam
Oh, Pam! Please help me. It would rock my world if Richard came on here. He truly was the pioneer. Thank you for trying to help!
Alma, yes, I am SURE the universe will send you Richard. Let's get it done, not just on your blog, but for real in your house making a video. How much would he love LINCOLN? Who doesn't?
Yes, Elizabeth, I need him in my very own kitchen! How will I get him here??????
How about an email campaign?
I like Richard too – he always seemed genuine, even on an infomercial.
XO, Margaret
oooo, Margaret! I love that idea! Will you email him with me?
i already did. Twitter it or something and get more people to write.
I tweeted it!
Email Richard at
he reads his email