An incredible Sleep Away Camp and Penne with Smoked Tofu and Garlic Scape Pesto

Hi everyone! Sorry for the lapse but I was thoroughly enjoying a week in gorgeous VT at a wonderful sleep away camp called Common Ground Center. I taught Take Back the Kitchen Workshops everyday while two of my kids enjoyed a morning in their wholesome camp. I was able to indulge in a meditation class each morning while they were occupied. We all enjoyed copious amounts of INCREDIBLE vegetarian food all week (see the photos on my TBK facebook page).

Are you a vegetarian who would love vegan and gluten free options, too? They have it!

In the afternoons, I hung out with my kids taking tennis classes, hikes, art classes, ping pong, air hockey, bug walks,a fabulous talent show and MUCH more. I met the most interesting and down to earth people who were helpful and kind, as I was there without another adult to assist me.

Check out my photos and “like” my Take Back the Kitchen page  while you’re at it here:

my FB page with a click

Check out the camp and book NOW for next year-it fills up!  There is a sliding fee scale. Tell them I sent you and you’ll get  an additional discount! Just click here for more info and to register:

Camp Common Ground

Here’s a recipe that is just delicious enough to be served on their vegetarian menu:

Penne with Smoked Tofu and Garlic Scape Pesto:

12 oz. box penne pasta, cooked and drained

lemon juice and zest of one washed lemon
8 oz. smoked tofu (Soyboy brand), cut into small cubes or strips
salt and pepper to taste

Garlic scape pesto:

1 cup garlic scapes
1 cup grated parmesan
1/4 cup olive oil
Salt and pepper taste
Purée until smooth
Add one cup roasted almonds, chopped in a food processor


Take drained pasta and place in a large bowl

Spoon in a few TBS of the prepared pesto or more to your taste and stir it into the pasta until pasta is coated

Add in the lemon juice and lemon zest and stir

Salt and pepper to taste and serve



2 Responses

  1. I had never heard of garlic scapes. Next time I shop I’ll look for them.
    And camp sounds like fun!!

    1. Garlic scapes are usually found through the summer at farmer’s markets and are like a combo of garlic and scallions. Yum!!!

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