Take Back the Kitchen Vegetarian Chili

Hi everyone! This blog post will be an ode to chili. I rarely make chili even though it is easy, healthy and delicious. Chili is kind of like that old friend you may take for granted because she is always there but in the background. It’s just not right. Chili deserves her day in the sun (yes, Chili is a woman).

I was inspired to make some easy chili to warm up when I saw my friend Jacquie whipping some up in her kitchen the other day.

I promise to never take chili for granted again. Thanks, Jacquie (and Chili).

Take Back the Chili:

1 28 oz. can peeled, plum tomatoes
2 cups cooked black beans
2 cups cooked kidney beans
1 can cooked pinto beans (15 oz.)
1/2 cup frozen (organic) corn
1 1/2 TBS chili powder
1 4″ cinnamon stick, broken in 1/2
1/2 tsp smoked paprika
1 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp ground black pepper
1 cup water

In a big pot, add all the ingredients and stir.
Simmer until the chili is as thick or thin as you like it. Keep tasting it to see if you need to adjust seasonings-hey, it’s your chili not mine!
Add a dollop of sour cream or 0% fat Greek yogurt to each bowl, shredded cheese, onions, chopped cilantro or any other garnish you like.


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