Peach Cobbler , and Jon Hamm Probably Never Threw Out His Jeans….


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Hi everyone and what a treat to have a REAL TIME photo of Jon Hamm that my friend Kahane, the producer of the Daily Show, just sent me from her iphone from the red carpet of the Emmys 1/2 hour ago. Kahane, you’re the BEST!!

As I prepare for watching Mad Men tonight, I am reminded of all my suburban moments this weekend, from making an apple pie and bringing it over to a neighbor’s house, making old fashioned cinnamon rolls with my nine year old daughter, and mostly, making a peach cobbler that made use of some rapidly ripening organic peaches.

You see, back in the days of Mad Men and before, peaches and other fruit were not as easy to come by and if they started to get a bit old, they were not just tossed out without a care. Back then, people salvaged food and other items by using them until they were no more or repairing them. One did not see TVs cast aside because they had a minor flaw or jeans thrown out because the knees were torn. By golly, back in the day, those dungarees would have had patches sewn on.

Anyhoo, enough of my rantings. I need to finish up this blog post so I can primp for 10:00’s show. Here is my recipe for Peach Cobbler, a great use for peaches soon to go bad, and don’t forget to see what I do with the sauce in the video below…
P.S. For you Montclairites, You MUST go to the new restaurant Market on Park Street. The food is fresh, local, organic and to die for. Thanks, David Augenti-you are an amazing chef!

Peach Cobbler for Three:

3 1/2-4 cups sliced unpeeled peaches
2 TBS butter
1/2 cup sugar (more to taste)


3 TBS whole wheat flour
3 TBS dry oatmeal or Country Choice Brand Multigrain hot cereal
3 TBS brown Sugar
2 TBS butter

To Prepare Peaches:
In a medium sized sautee pan, melt 2 TBS butter.
When melted, add brown sugar, stir to combine, and then add sliced peaches.
Cook on low flame, stirring for about 10 minutes
Set aside

To prepare Topping:
In a med. sized bowl, add flour, oatmeal, brown sugar and softened or melted 2 TBS butter. Stir until combined and set aside.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
In a smallish baking dish, like a 4″X 6″, place peaches (but strain the juice from the pan. SAVE THE JUICE FOR LATER!) and then top with the oatmealy topping. Bake for about 15-20 minutes until topping is golden brown.
Serve with vanilla ice cream with leftover sauce poured over ice cream. Deeee-licious!


2 Responses

  1. Alma –
    You've saved me! I have all these peaches creeping into bad brownness so I cut them up and put them in a tub and came up to research Peach something (sad to say but we're pretty sick of clafoutis in this house — it's easy and delicious and now obvious that I am making it too much if is now considered ho hum) and there was your post! and fab photos to boot. Thanks!

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