Hi everyone! First off, I want to remind you that I will be running a Take Back the Kitchen workshop at the Montclair Adult School on November 2ndat 7PM. To sign up and learn ALL that we discuss here re: storing, prepping, shopping for and cooking delicious meals on a consistent basis and more!, click here: http://adultschool1.org/index.cfm?method=ClassInfo.ClassInformation∫_class_id=10441∫_category_id=2∫_sub_category_id=20∫_catalog_id=0
O.K….Today’s recipe is another simple pantry dish; Millet. As we have discussed, millet is a really healthy grain that you can pull out of your cupboard and prepare as a side dish or entree with very little effort. If you are afraid of how old the stuff in your pantry is, check out the site Melissa and Lisa told me about which tells you how long you can eat aging food: http://stilltasty.com/
My dish was made easier by the fact that I used up the remaining herbs from my herb garden which meant I did not have to shop at all to make it. I had my almonds in the freezer (for freshness) and my currants in the pantry. I made this as a side dish but you could easily throw in some tofu or shrimp to make it a full meal. Stock the Pantry! It’s that easy! Once you have made your life easier, you’ll have more time to enjoy the important things in life-like your kids on a swing…
Millet with Currants and Sliced Almonds:
4 cups cooked millet, cooled
2/3 cup minced fresh parsley
2/3 cup minced cilantro
1 cup sliced almonds
1 cup currants (tiny raisins you can get at most supermarkets and Whole Foods)
2 TBS olive oil
2 TBS chipotle pepper sauce (Optional-can get at Latin stores or Whole Foods)
1 tsp salt- more to taste
ground fresh pepper
In a large bowl, combine all the above ingredients, stir and enjoy warm or hot.
P.S. Check out my recipe and video later today on http://www.baristanet.com/baristakids/blog/take-back-the-kitchen-nugget-alternative/#more
3 Responses
A note for Lincoln:
Hello my handsome friend. I'm so proud of you treating your sister so nicely. I miss you very much. Tell mom to bring you to Florida 'cause even though it's cold in Montclair, it's warm enough here for one of our swim dates. Please send your entire family a big hug for me. XO Michele
He was so happy to get your note, Michelle! We miss you and Take Back the Kitchen misses you!
Your kids are so dang cute!!!