Maple Soy Salad Dressing and Keeping it Green

Hi everyone. There seemed to be some interest in the green shopping topic. Again, if we feel like we are doing something good for the environment by not buying prepared foods with all its packaging, it may be an incentive to get into the kitchen to start or continue making those homemade or semi-homemade meals . I thought I would share a comment by a reader:

You should check out produce bags. I have bought them twice. Once on EBay and once through a company that sells… bags. I recently noticed they have an infomercial too. but don’t let that put you off. They are GREAT. They are perforated with tiny holes which means that produced stored in them keeps for a LONG time. Weeks sometimes. And you can use them over and over to your hearts content until they finally fall to bits.

Also, I checked out today and found some tips that I thought were really useful. Check it out:

How To Make Your Weekly Grocery Shop a Green One
…If you regularly eat seafood, then choose wisely. Although the American Heath Association recommends eating fish twice a week as part of a healthy diet, 70 per cent of the world’s fisheries are fully fished or over-fished. That doesn’t mean that you have to limit your intake, but if you want to include fish in your diet without contributing to any negative environmental effects then choose those that come from sustainable fishing practices. While sardines, farmed oysters, farmed rainbow trout, and crab are included in the “sustainability list” of seafood, bluefin tuna, Atlantic cod, and Atlantic sea scallops are among the seafood that should be avoided.
As well as the actual produce you buy, it’s important when shopping green to pay attention to the packaging. An estimated 500 billion to one trillion plastic bags are consumed worldwide each year! Some supermarket food items are ridiculously packaged. Keep your packaging to a minimum. Fruit and vegetables, for example, don’t need to be placed in plastic bags. Most fruit and vegetables are washed or peeled before eating, and some have their very own convenient protective wrapping-bananas, for instance.
Take your own carrier bags to the store. A re-usable cloth bag is best, but if don’t have one then use the plastic bags you picked up on your last shopping trip-and keep them for your next visit. Plastic bags are not biodegradable and can end up in the ocean harming marine life. Although paper bags are biodegradable, most are manufactured from virgin, non-recycled paper, as its long fibers are needed to make the bags strong enough for shopping loads.

Now for one of my favorite go-to recipes that I am quite proud to say I created. It is a marinade and a salad dressing. I always have it in my fridge and I am even so grandiose at times as to bottle it and give it as gifts. What can I say? I give the people what they want. Is that so wrong? It really is delicious and I promise it is easy. All I ask is that you always give me credit when you serve it.

Here it is and I hope you like it:

Maple Soy Salad dressing

1/4 cup maple syrup
1/4 cup canola oil
3 TBS soy sauce
1/8 cup rice vinegar
1/2 tsp sesame oil

Whisk all ingredients together until fully combined and refrigerate. That’s it!


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