If you are a Montclair local:
ZUMBA® Madness! ZUMBA® for Strong Kids
September 13, 2012
9:30 – 10:30 a.m. Registration starts at 8:30 a.m.
September 14, 2012
7:00 – 8:30 p.m. Registration starts at 5:30 p.m
YMCA of Montclair 25 Park Street, Montclair, NJ
You do not need to be a member to participate! Member Entry Fee: $5 Non-member Entry Fee: $10
Contributions allow children and teens the ability to participate in after school programs, youth sports, camps, leadership development programs, and other positive activities regardless of their families’ financial situation.
Please join me Sept. 23rd from 10-5 to get certified in punkrope: www.punkrope.com This course will allow you to stay fit even if you can’t get to the gym. You owe it to yourself! Email me for more details!
2 Responses
Hey Alma,
Couple of questions:
1. What’s the comparable of frozen store-bought spinach? I think those bricks of spinach are 10 oz? Any ideas?
2. What does it mean “Sautee until dry?” I’ve never really worked with frozen spinach before, thawed or otherwise. (That was one of those evil items from my childhood!)
Love you!
Hi Elizabeth! You can certainly use fresh spinach but you’ll need a lot more of it! I buy the bags of organic frozen spinach as opposed to the very challenging boxes since you can easily take out just part of the bag to use.
Sauteing until dry just means getting all the moisture out from having been frozen. You can even microwave it first, squeeze it dry and THEN start sauteing. You just don’t want watery spinach on your pasta. Let me know how it works out!!