Hi everyone! I am trying to be really good about prepping for the holidays and I don’t just mean cooking! I mean holiday gift shopping. I am going to do my usual sharing of things I love and make some suggestions for you to save you some thinking about gifts for yourself and your loved ones.
First off, a workshop with my yoga teacher from when I was 14 in NYC. She is still perfecting her practice and sharing her gifts. If you are fortunate enough to have the time for her workshop, you will not be sorry. Here are the details: Mary Reilly’s Workshop
Rahababy Peek-a-boo Potty Stickers: Now, if you or someone you know and love is having a tough time potty training their child, this gift is for all of you. The kid pees on a sticker in the potty and the sticker changes into a fun image. Why wasn’t this around when my kids were young???? If you order using this special code, you get 30 % off until Feb. 1, 2015. Here is the code: TBK30
Kid Stir! This is an amazing gift of learning how to cook for kids. It is a kit with easy recipes and some of the ingredients and tools to actually make the meal. The gift is in three months of shipments-what kid wouldn’t love that? And no clutter!
I want you to buy this book. I just finished it and it was like an old friend sharing her recipes with me. Great, easy variety of recipes as well as an engaging memoir. Laura Zinn Fromm’s Sweet Survival
Volunteering at a soup kitchen in East Orange, NJ with Outpost in the Burbs:
Location: Christ Episcopal Church. 422 Main Street, East Orange NJ
Time: They arrive between 9:30 and 10:00 am. They serve at noon sharp. At 1:00 they are done and start to clean up. All is complete by 1:30 or 2:00. The third Saturday of each month is when people volunteer. They have Feb open to volunteer.
In addition, they need anywhere from 100-200 sandwiches (2 per bag) to be given out.
Usually, they pack sandwiches, a snack (cereal bars etc) and a banana in the bag. The bag can be packed at the church, or in advance. Up to you.
They do buy the food. They plan the menu and purchase the food and cook at the church the day of the event. You can help with setting the tables, pouring drinks and serving the patrons and cooking of course. If you have questions, please contact Al Mercuro: amercuro@skylinegenesis.com
Last but not least, my sister Zoe’s amazing NYC focused kids’ clothes. You’ll see someone familiar on her website 😉 Zoelou.com